Why Choose Matcha over Coffee

The Pre-Workout Supplements world was thrown into the spotlight in 2013 and again in 2015 when hyperosmolar sports supplements were recognised to be contributing a small, but significant number of deaths during marathons. With the risk of heart attack from certain high intensity supplements real and present, many athletes and bodybuilders turned to coffee to get a natural energy boost. Drinking coffee before you hit the gym can pump your body with the necessary energy – True. But there is one small, but very important problem… The energy boost of coffee comes with an impending crash, which is inevitable and which can make you feel more tired than you actually are, until you gulp down another cup. Then you’ll feel energetic for a while, but that too will come with a crash. And you’ll have to drink another cup of coffee. And then another. And then another…. Fortunately there a better alternative to being at the mercy of coffee and it’s 100% natural and organic. It’s called enzo matcha Tea. enzo matcha Tea can increase your endurance, boost your metabolism and help shed the unwanted body fat – all the three things you need to get the most out of your exercise. Studies show that drinking enzo matcha increases physical endurance by up to 25%. Just one cup of enzo matcha just half an hour before your workout can give you results you didn’t think were possible. One serving of it before your workout will not only fuel your body but also help maintain it. #Choosematchaovercoffee #coffeevsmatcha #matchaorcoffee #matchandcoffee #matchacoffee #Coffeematcha